Monday, September 24, 2012

Plastic Planet paragraph

In Plastic Planet, Werner Boote convinces the audience of the dangers of plastic and the seriousness of the pandemic. He interviews sources that explain the intoxicating capabilities of plastic use on the human body, as well as its detrimental effects to our environment. His compelling imagery of nature displays the damage done, and appeals to the emotions of the audience. Boote strengthens his argument by traveling the world and communicating with many, different, global citizens and companies. Boote portrays the plastic corporations in a negative light by revealing their interests in the industry’s profit. He uncovers their resistance to accepting the negative truth about their products, which is a critical part of why the problem is so overwhelming. Though Boote primarily displays one side of the plastic argument, the information is valuable. With information about both environmental and physical effects, viewers can utilize Boote’s perspective when forming their own conclusions about the issue.

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